accompany you all the way there

Pray for the day of the party drew closer, and waiting for the opportunity to become a kind of torment, from morning to afternoon never eat a little rice, it is full of satiety. 22 years of party ah, a lot of people is really 22 years did not meet again, imagine a vague memory of people and things, those sentimental youth left a sour and sweet memory, has to be full of excitement. The passage of time, we are like a tree gradually lush trees, leaves had already full, can never leave it to nourish our root

Always thought that the long walk, and friends meet Joy instant to replace all haste and fatigue. The seasons are changing, the years in the samsara, we rejoice not done passing each other, the way to cherish and company, let us in this abundance of mature season feel the precious friendship; even when the flowers bloom, have warm trace we hugged, passing through a mill, engraved in the heart bottom is we never grow old love and care elyze好唔好 The beauty of a road, a road flower, home field of sunflower, rape, or even a blossoming unknown small wild flowers in full bloom, just too proud, in the azure blue sky exudes simplicity and dazzling rays of light, the hot and bright life, this life has is permanent in the heart, even if the vicissitudes as long as the hometown of the flower fragrance, still, in the quiet beauty of years deep, her simple, warm, the power of forgiveness, life has no reason to waste
Meet happy, let us be the youth story unfolded slowly, countless happy and pure and beautiful day, playback in tears and laughter, that only belong to our legend, is every little bit of implant scroll of life; Thanksgiving grasslands of home with open arms, let us enjoy telling, SIEM wine, push cup for cup, the expression is not full of attachment; friendship is like family, has gradually become a part of life, can not give up
There are always some people, no matter how far you go, back when he was still smiled and stood there, shallow but warm your heart; there are always some people, and you be in perfect sympathy with each other, honest and not fight over the smallest trifles interests, like flowing in your blood, have been with you com.; this life I want to spend effort to nourish and watering the love, thank you keeping a road, life without regret, the afterlife again
Then the United States will leave together, enchanted, put love leave; blessings will miss the most true, in each of the four seasons reincarnation of the moment, because of each other’s company and the heart has an; yesterday, we walk together youth, tomorrow, we continue to be old. Wrote here, my mind suddenly flashed a recently spread in the circle of “famous”, is to do it at the end of it: home and everything, and cherish. Let us share the common treasure hand in hand hair loss!

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