where did the time go?

Sun so bright , why your smile is so far-fetched it? Is that a green leaf sucked clear of it belongs to you , or do not listen to the twittering birds sing their interfering with your quiet of it , or that the temperature of the sun is less than your feet spread a small chest of it ? Looking out the window , pedestrians coming and going , where they want to go , but also back to where? I went and looked wide-eyed at the refraction of light , it is so hot , make me a black eyes, had wanted to see more beautiful moments , and we need to look at more than outward You beauty.

Breeze blowing head , with the warm comfort , with part of the early spring atmosphere, spring is infinitely good , why I’m not happy together? Turn left ? Turn right ? To move forward ? Turn back ? Or stay in place it? Open arms , deep breath a little sunshine fragrance, good sunlight penetrating my body wanted to do a scan of the mind, will remove that barrier layers , and I want to live by me , but was bound by a self- locking roads lead to Rome, but I am always on the roads fork which floundered , I believe every time there is always a surprise buffer stop, even if it falls, scratches, fractures … the road is very wide, but I but like this tortuous path, where there is not the same as the total harvest .

Across the glass to see the scenery , is the distortion vector scene ; across the glass to watch the sunset , hazy color defects ; through the glass to see a small house , cubic tetragonal frame ; … look at you through the glass , is a prolonged road shadow. We enjoyed the solitude , loneliness we Fun We chic loneliness , loneliness we cross our anti- suffering alone, we are lonely loneliness , a process, a journey, a tutorial , a revelation , is it a sentence growth.

Time , sigelei touch screen we deal with it all the time , but I never really understood it, it is always so mysterious, my life from the outset, with its accompany it , but I always lamented the time to go where , always ignore it gives me everything in my life , perhaps inadvertently flies its way to walk , and we hurried to catch up with it has become a form , I can not pray for it to give me a satisfactory reply , I just know I can not stop the pace of the front row , there is no passage of time , how can we move forward in exchange for the moment ? Time is a dimension , based on the sequence of events has , the length between events , although there is the past , present and the transition to the layers of , recalling past worth mentioning, good moment to look back , is not that the best answer? Time was never far away , far away is our own heart.

Where did the time go ? I know it’s gone with the wind breathe , I know put it with rain drifting go, I know it helped cloud Pentium gone, but the reality is , I know it because I wander among hesitation secretly slipped away from me , in the blink of an eye between me and disappeared . If a person is always yet to come before today imaginary sighed tomorrow , you know what it means to you ? The nominal life is endless , so please believe your life is a blank, dark .

Where did the time go ? I’m most frustrated empty most of the time you recall , is the sight of the figure you walk , and you like the wind in the light of the pace , I like to look around the next intersection , but you are always under the next intersection waiting for me , we just missed a ride a ride , when I lamented the emptiness of time, Neo Derm Beauty Box and time has a way process forward so far.

Where did the time go ? You put it circled it? Is the time to walk , and I walk , the next the next junction we always met, because I was there .

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